Section 01
Summary of flexible-by-default key messages
Section 02
Section 03
The impact of the covid-19 response
Section 04
Principles that underpin a flexible-by-default approach
Section 05
There is a wide range of flexible working options
Section 06
Four-stage approach to shifting to flexible-by-default
Section 07
Part two - Flexible-Work-by-Default Guidance and Resources
Section 08
Resource 1 - Case studies of flexible-by-default in practice
Section 09
Resource 2 - Flexible working options
Section 10
Resource 3 - The benefits of flexible working
Section 11
Resource 4 - Establishing formal and informal flexible working arrangements
Section 12
Resource 5 - Agency self-assessment tool
Section 13
Resource 6 - Example communication objectives and key messages
Section 14
Resource 7 - Common questions, concerns and responses
Section 15
Resource 8 - Flexible working challenges and suggestions for addressing these
Section 16
Resource 9 - Tips for leaders, managers, employees and teams
Section 17
Resource 10 - Addressing health and safety, and information security and privacy
Section 18
References and further reading
The following sections set out a coordinated approach to shifting to flexible-by-default made up of four-stages2, including:
A. Agencies explore their current state
B. Design
C. Implement
D. Monitor and review
Agencies that are already working toward a flexible-by-default approach will not need to take all the actions suggested. In addition, agencies do not need to follow the exact order in which the actions are presented here, and may instead choose to:
- work on some stages concurrently or in an overlapping manner
- start by developing a request and response process, health and safety policies, information security and IT systems, especially if quick action is needed
- scale action to reflect the size and nature of each agency.
In making the shift to flexible-by-default, we recommend agencies engage with employees and unions from the outset. It may also be necessary to examine employment agreements (individual and collective) to identify and address any provisions which may be problematic for enabling various flexible-by-default options and practices.
Tania Gordon, Kaiwhakahaere - Organisational Development Adviser
Many employees value flexible work for cultural reasons. Agencies can benefit from the knowledge and skills employees gain outside paid work
As an independent working Māori woman, flexible working allows me the opportunity to seek out space and time to build relationships with others in and/or from Te Ao Māori, who live and breathe tikanga. It is an approach I seek out to implement in my role, to bridge an understanding from a Māori world view.
Cultural capability is activity based and building relationships with people who live within our cultural context is very important to me and helps inform my direction. Being able to network outside of an office environment and hours to attend wānanga events and training, in environments such as on a marae, or participating in kaupapa Māori that embrace the natural worlds of Tangaroa and Tane Mahuta, all help support my wellbeing and inspires my senses, to grow my understanding of how tikanga and matauranga influence my way of incorporating that world view into my mahi.
2Adapted from the Australian Government Workplace Gender Equality Agency guidance: Developing and implementing a flexibility strategy © Commonwealth Government of Australia 2018