Te whakawhiwhi tohu Awards and recognition

In 2018, New Zealand public service chief executives established the Awards and Recognition programme to promote a sense of pride and belonging across the Public Service. The programme recognises public servants and initiatives that exemplify the spirit of service and deliver outstanding outcomes for New Zealand.

Te Hāpai Hapori Spirit of Service

A Spirit of Service is identified by the Public Service Act 2020 as the fundamental characteristic of the Public Service. The Act requires Public Service leaders and boards of Crown agents to preserve, protect and nurture the Spirit of Service to the community that all public servants bring to their work.

A Spirit of Service has 3 important attributes:

  • opening our hearts and minds to the needs of others
  • an attitude of humility
  • being motivated by something bigger than ourselves.

Whakapā mai Contact us

We are available to assist with any queries you have regarding Public Service awards and recognition. We engage with key contacts at each government agency throughout the year about the awards programme. 

Email us