Section 01
Summary of flexible-by-default key messages
Section 02
Section 03
The impact of the covid-19 response
Section 04
Principles that underpin a flexible-by-default approach
Section 05
There is a wide range of flexible working options
Section 06
Four-stage approach to shifting to flexible-by-default
Section 07
Part two - Flexible-Work-by-Default Guidance and Resources
Section 08
Resource 1 - Case studies of flexible-by-default in practice
Section 09
Resource 2 - Flexible working options
Section 10
Resource 3 - The benefits of flexible working
Section 11
Resource 4 - Establishing formal and informal flexible working arrangements
Section 12
Resource 5 - Agency self-assessment tool
Section 13
Resource 6 - Example communication objectives and key messages
Section 14
Resource 7 - Common questions, concerns and responses
Section 15
Resource 8 - Flexible working challenges and suggestions for addressing these
Section 16
Resource 9 - Tips for leaders, managers, employees and teams
Section 17
Resource 10 - Addressing health and safety, and information security and privacy
Section 18
References and further reading
Develop agency vision and goals
An agency vision statement for flexible-by-default will help build a shared sense of purpose across the agency. Clear strategic goals will help agencies focus their actions and stay on track.
This vision can be based on:
- the principles of flexible-by-default, which set out the balance that needs to be achieved between what works for employees, what works for teams and what works for the The principles also establish expectations of fairness for all – employees, team members and managers – and of openness and flexibility on all sides
- how each agency thinks the benefits of flexible-by-default align with, and will contribute to, its strategic Resource 3 has details about the benefits of flexible working which may be useful as you develop your vision.
Agencies can use what they have found out about their current state (see Stage A) and their flexible-by-default vision to set goals. Agencies’ goals should also integrate with their organisation’s wider strategic goals.
Develop a plan
An implementation plan will guide agencies through the steps needed to achieve their vision and goals. Agencies can consider:
- where they are currently at (see Stage A and the self-assessment tool in Resource 3)
- the actions needed
- the sequence and the time these actions are likely to take
- the perspectives of diverse employees
- any anticipated challenges.
See Resource 1 for a case study of how NZ Police developed their implementation plan.
This guidance provides flexible-by-default advice for leaders, managers and employees. Along with employees however, agencies may also engage self-employed contractors and third-party organisations supplying goods or services. The Gender Pay Principles (GPPs) require agencies to consider how the GPPs apply to all employment arrangements, (see GPPs 2 and 4) and we recommend that agencies do the same as agencies move to flexible-by-default.
Self-employed contractors usually already have flexibility in how, when and where they work. In the case of third-party organisations supplying goods or services, however, we recommend that agencies review Government’s expectations that procurement processes be used to support wider social, economic and environmental outcomes, beyond the immediate purchase of goods and services. In that context, where agencies contract third-party suppliers, we recommend agencies work with those suppliers to consider how they can apply the Principles.