Section 01
Summary of flexible-by-default key messages
Section 02
Section 03
The impact of the covid-19 response
Section 04
Principles that underpin a flexible-by-default approach
Section 05
There is a wide range of flexible working options
Section 06
Four-stage approach to shifting to flexible-by-default
Section 07
Part two - Flexible-Work-by-Default Guidance and Resources
Section 08
Resource 1 - Case studies of flexible-by-default in practice
Section 09
Resource 2 - Flexible working options
Section 10
Resource 3 - The benefits of flexible working
Section 11
Resource 4 - Establishing formal and informal flexible working arrangements
Section 12
Resource 5 - Agency self-assessment tool
Section 13
Resource 6 - Example communication objectives and key messages
Section 14
Resource 7 - Common questions, concerns and responses
Section 15
Resource 8 - Flexible working challenges and suggestions for addressing these
Section 16
Resource 9 - Tips for leaders, managers, employees and teams
Section 17
Resource 10 - Addressing health and safety, and information security and privacy
Section 18
References and further reading
Agencies can review their progress towards being flexible-by-default six monthly or when they develop their annual Gender Pay Gap Action Plan.
To monitor progress, agencies can re-run the processes recommended in Stage A: Agencies explore their current state, such as:
- running focus groups or surveys of managers, employees and unions to determine if experiences of flexible working are positive and if any concerns and challenges have been addressed
- monitoring their data on formal requests and decisions
- refreshing their data on the take-up of informal arrangements
- reapplying the self-assessment tool
- breaking down their HR data on turnover, engagement, career progression and performance ratings (if these are used), by part-time, other flexible and non-flexible employees, to enable them to monitor whether flexible working has any adverse effect on pay or progression.
These sources of information will help agencies understand how they are progressing towards their goals for flexible-by-default, and identify whether:
- concerns and challenges have been addressed
- teams and the agency are maintaining or strengthening delivery
- employees working flexibly have the same career opportunities and progress at comparable rates to other employees
- consistent approaches to establishing formal and informal flexible working are being applied across the agency.
Linking this information to any regular monitoring of employee engagement, diversity and inclusion and employee turnover will provide a clear indication of whether the shift to flexible working is on track.
Calvin, Graphic Designer
Flexible working is an increasingly important part of an agency’s employee value proposition.
I think it is great that my organisation does offer flexible working. I think lots of people can benefit from that. I know that I do. I definitely would pick an employer that does offer flexible working over someone that does not, just because I am able to, as a graphic designer, build my portfolio outside of working hours on other projects so that I can also learn new skills to bring in here. It is a win-win for both.
Tina Griffin, Principal Learning and Development Adviser
Flexible working that is equally available to both parents supports more equal sharing of family caring responsibilities.
For me being able to start a little bit later and leave earlier on a couple of days, is a real benefit for me. I was in a really lucky position that I share flexible working with my husband. My husband and I both applied for reduced hours. I do two days a week and my husband does three days a week. It is very challenging for two working parents to manage their family and manage their work. The other thing is that we can flip around a little bit for each other. Sometimes he might need to work longer hours and I might need to swap days around, so we can actually support each other. That is one of the things that has made flexible working work really well for me.