Our Long-term Insights Briefing
We have finished our first long-term insights briefing on the trends, risks and opportunities facing our Public Service.
You can find further information about Long-term Insights Briefings on our website.
The topic of the briefing
Last year, we asked what the focus of our briefing should be. Consultation on the subject matter opened on 20 August 2021 and closed on 20 September 2021.
Consultation: How is New Zealand’s Public Service prepared for 2040?
We received submissions through our online survey, and via email, which were published anonymously.
Long-Term Insights Briefing: Subject-matter survey and short email submissions
Some substantial submissions received via email are published alongside their authors’ names with permission. We also compiled a summary of these submissions. During the consultation period, we had discussions with four experts in public management and futures thinking and compiled our notes from these conversations.
Long-Term Insights Briefing: Submissions on subject matter consultation
Long-Term Insights Briefing: Summary of submissions on subject matter
Long-Term Insights Briefing: Notes from discussions with expert stakeholders.
The Commissioner took feedback from consultation into consideration and selected the following topic for this briefing: 'How can we better support public participation in government in the future?'
Memorandum: Commissioner's decision on Long-term Insights Briefing topic
In addition to the legislated public consultations, we held 2 online public workshops on 10 March to get input into the development of the briefing.
The workshops were focused on what public participation in government could look like in the future and the barriers and enablers for us getting there. We completed a summary document of the workshop notes here.
Long-Term Insights Briefing: Public Workshop Notes
Contributions from the workshops have helped us:
- gain impartial information on the public’s experiences of engagement with government,
- explore future elements to public participation from the source (instead of relying solely on research), and
- confirm or refute information gathered from our research.
We also benefitted from the insights of a workshop held by the Public Service Futures network – an employee-led network of young public servants. We have published the summary of their workshop with permission.
Summary of workshop on Public Service Commission's Long Term Insights Briefing
The draft briefing
We completed consultation on our draft long-term insights briefing: Public Participation in Government in the Future - Draft for Consultation on 3 June 2022.
Public Participation in Government in the Future - Draft for Consultation
Submissions are published in full (with permission) alongside a summary of broader comments and an outline of how the comments were addressed. We received comments via email, with no submissions made through the online survey option.
Long-Term Insights Briefing: Consultation on the draft briefing
The final briefing
The final briefing has been provided to the Minister for the Public Service, Hon Chris Hipkins, who presented it to Parliament. The final briefing is also published here on our website.
What happens next?
As well as being presented to Parliament, all the long-term insights briefings will be examined by Select Committee.
Our second long-term insights briefing is due by 30 June 2025.
Related Content
Enabling Active Citizenship: Public Participation in Government into the Future
Long Term Insights Briefing: Consultation on draft briefing
Public Service Futures LTIB workshop summary
Consultation on topics for our Long-term Insights Briefing
Long-Term Insights Briefing notes from discussions with expert stakeholders
Long Term Insights Briefing subject matter email submissions
Long-Term Insights Briefing subject matter survey submissions
Long-Term Insights Briefing subject matter summary of submissions
Commissioner’s decision on long-term insights briefing topic