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13 December 2022

Model Standards: Conflicts of Interest

Model standards Integrity and conduct

A guide on integrity and conduct

Conflicts of interest

The reputation of our Public Service depends on our ability to be impartial in our decision making, and to exercise a high standard of judgement with real and perceived conflicts of interest.

Model standards

Model standards are the Public Service Commissioner’s minimum expectations for agencies and staff in the public sector. 

13 December 2022

Conflict of interest review findings

Public Service Commissioner Peter Hughes today released the findings of a review into how public service agencies managed conflicts of interest while procuring the services of Ka Awatea Services Ltd (KAS) and Kawai Catal…

Integrity and conduct Investigations and inquiries

A guide on integrity and conduct

Model standards

Model standards set out the Public Service Commissioner’s minimum expectations for agencies and staff on specific integrity issues.

Guidance for Statutory Crown Entities - Resource for Preparation of Governance Manuals

Members' interests and conflicts: identification, disclosure and management

Interests, if not disclosed, registered and managed properly, have the potential to lead to conflicts that could undermine decisions taken by a board and the…

29 June 2022

Integrity and conduct

The integrity and conduct programme aims to build trust by supporting the institutional integrity of agencies and trustworthiness of public servants.

Guidance Integrity and conduct

Guide: Board Appointment and Induction Guidelines (BAIG)

Assessing candidates

Departments should make it clear to the candidate or nominee what information they need to provide, and why it’s important for the information to be…

“All-of-Government” Requirements and Expectations on Statutory Crown Entities

Integrity Ethics and Standards

Code of Conduct
System lead: Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commission

The Public Service Commissioner has issued a Code of Conduct for Crown Entity Board Members which applies…

02 June 2017

Report of investigation into allegations against former CERA employees

State Services Commissioner Peter Hughes has today published the report of the investigation into allegations made against former staff members of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery…