05 July 2024

Congratulations to the finalists of SOSA Te Hāpai Hapori | Spirit of Service Awards 2024

Proudly sponsored by:

Te Tohu mō ngā Hua E Pai Ake Ana Better Outcomes Award

Te Tohu mō ngā Hua E Pai Ake Ana | Better Outcomes Award celebrates the achievement of significant outcomes in areas that matter most for the long-term wellbeing for New Zealanders.​ 

Driver Licensing Improvement Programme

Waka Kotahi | New Zealand Transport Agency, Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development, Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa | New Zealand Police, Te Puni Kōkiri | Ministry of Māori Development, Te Manatū Waka | Ministry of Transport and Accident Compensation Corporation

Improving community-based access to driver licence testing in hard-to-reach communities; opening doors to opportunities that a driver licence provides including employment, education, support for whānau and healthcare, and enabling more people to become safe licenced drivers.

Learning Community Hubs

Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education

Piloted in Christchurch following the 15 March 2019 terror attacks and now rolled out across the country, Learning Community Hubs play a vital role for ethnic communities to access and understand the New Zealand education system and support their children.

National Predator Control Programme

Te Papa Atawhai | Department of Conservation

A massive team effort involving multiple stakeholders that is protecting and increasing populations of vulnerable native species by reducing the threats from introduced predators across 1.8 million hectares of public conservation land.

Te Tohu Auaha Hou Innovation Award

Te Tohu Auaha Hou | Innovation Award celebrates new approaches or technologies that are creating positive change.​ 

Identity Check – Improving Services to New Zealand through innovative online identity verification

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs and Te Manatū Whakahiato | Ministry of Social Development.

This innovative digital approach to service improvement is making a positive difference in New Zealanders’ lives by increasing accessibility to services.

Love Better

Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development

A radical new approach focusing on deepening young people’s ability to navigate relationships, that encourages good decisions and supports them through critical moments when harmful behaviour is prevalent.

Zero Data

Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education, Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand, Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs, Accident Compensation Corporation, Kāinga Ora | Homes and Communities, Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development and Te Tāhū o te Ture | Ministry of Justice

Zero Data makes essential government services and information available to thousands of New Zealanders who would otherwise be unable to afford the data charges.

Te Tohu mō Whai Ratonga Māori Crown Award

Te Tohu mō Whai Ratonga celebrates outstanding public service contributions to supporting Māori Crown relationships through auahatanga (innovation), whakapūmautanga (durability) and kōwhiringa (opportunities).​ 

City Rail Link Mana Whenua Forum

City Rail Link

A partnership founded to develop capability of the public service to engage with Māori and understand Māori perspectives through innovative iwi engagement on large infrastructure projects.

Rongoā Māori Service

Accident Compensation Corporation

Rongoā Māori Service exemplifies a commitment to protecting rongoā as a taonga and ensuring equitable access to services and experiences leading to better health outcomes for Māori.

Whakaorangia te Mana Tangata

Te Tāhū o te Ture | Ministry of Justice

A key contributor to Te Ao Mārama vision for District Courts, aimed at improving justice and wellbeing outcomes for Māori in the court system through the collective support of whānau, hapū and iwi.

Te Tohu mō te Kaiārahi Rangatahi o te Tau Young Leader of the Year

Te Tohu mō te Kaiārahi Rangatahi o te Tau | The Young Leader of the Year Award celebrates inspirational young public sector leaders who exemplify the spirit of service.

Charlotte Veikune

Senior Development Manager

Kāinga Ora | Homes and Communities

Charlotte leads by example, with a steely focus on delivering quality social housing outcomes for the people she serves. Her resilience, attitude, and brilliant mindset shine through in a sector with multiple stakeholders and complexities.

Renee Conway

Social Work Supervisor

Oranga Tamariki | Ministry for Children

The many obstacles that Renee has overcome to be where she is today are a testament to her resilience, community spirit and strength. She is always seeking opportunities to improve the services Oranga Tamariki provides with humility, care and an enormous depth of understanding.

Tayla Yandall

General Manager Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility (Prison Director)

Ara Poutama Aotearoa | Department of Corrections

Tayla is a strong, intelligent, empathetic leader, who actively seeks out differing viewpoints and acts with an open heart to deliver for the people Corrections supports.

Te Tohu mō te Hiranga o te Mahi Kaupapa Here Excellence in Public Policy Award

This award category will be considered again in 2025.

Te Tohu Oranga Angitū Lifetime Achievement Award

Te Tohu Oranga Angitū | The Lifetime Achievement Award honours an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to New Zealand or their community and who exemplifies a spirit of service.

The recipient is selected by the Public Service Commissioner.

Te Tohu a te Pirimia Prime Minister’s Award

Te Tohu a te Pirimia | The Prime Minister’s Award for the overall winner of the year is selected from the winners of the Better Outcomes Awards, Innovation Award, Whai Ratonga Māori Crown Award and Excellence in Public Policy Award.

This award is not open to entries.

Ngā Pae Kaiwhakawā Judging Panels

  • Nga Hoa-Toihau | Co-chairs

    Thor Gudjonsson

    Heather Baggott looking at the camera and smiling

    Kaikōmihana Tuarua, Te Aromātai Whakatutukitanga | Deputy Commissioner, System & Agency Performance

    Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commission

    Thor is a highly engaged leader driving improved performance and system change across the Public Service. He has been a Deputy Commissioner at Te Kawa Mataaho since October 2021. Thor previously held a number of Chief Financial Officer roles including the Ministry of Justice and Ministry for Primary Industries.



    Rebecca Kitteridge

    Te Pou Turuki mō Te Kawa Mataaho | Deputy Public Service Commissioner

    Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commission

    Rebecca works closely with the Public Service Commissioner to provide leadership and oversight of the Public Service. From March 2023 to April 2024, Rebecca stepped into the role of acting Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Chief Executive from her substantive role at the Commission. Prior to this, Rebecca was Director-General of Security and Chief Executive, New Zealand Security Intelligence Service.



  • Pou Tikanga | Cultural advisor

    Rauru Kirikiri

    Rauru Kirikiri standing in front of a tree looking at the camera and smiling

    Te Whānau ā Apanui

    Kaihautū mō Te Kawa Mataaho | Kaihautū to the Public Service Commissioner

    Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commission

    Rauru has a notable background serving iwi, Māori, and New Zealand through his many roles in academia, consultancy, and the Public Service. He specialises in a range of Māori related issues including environmental management, strategic planning, Treaty of Waitangi claims negotiations, policy development, and tertiary education. Rauru is also an experienced resource consent commissioner, has had various academic activities at universities in both New Zealand and Australia, and continues to serve on several committees including acting as Deputy Chairperson of Te Mana Whakahaere o Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.

  • Te Tohu mō ngā Hua e Pai Ake Ana | Better Outcomes Award

    Janine Smith

    Deputy Chief Executive, Policy

    Te Tari o te Pirimia me te Komiti Matua | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

    Janine has extensive experience in environmental policy and partnerships across the public sector. As a member of the DPMC Policy Profession Board, she plays an important role in leading, managing and stewarding policy. Prior to this role, Janine was Deputy Secretary, Natural and Built System and Climate Mitigation at Manatū mō te Taiao | Ministry for the Environment. In her time at MFE, she led the Zero Carbon Act and chaired The Local Government Steering Group for the RMA reform.

    Michelle Paki

    Ngāti Porou, Rongowhakaata

    Director Māori, Kānoa Regional Economic and Development Unit and Regional Public Service Commissioner - Waikato

    Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

    Michelle began her public service career with Te Puni Kōkiri and has been with the Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment since 2018 working in Regional Economic Development. As a Regional Public Service Commissioner for Waikato, Michelle sees the positive ways the public service can improve the lives of whānau and the communities we serve through a better-connected public service. Michelle’s experience as a business owner and her passion for Māori economic development brings a strong regional economic development and Māori business lens to her mahi.

  • Te Tohu Auaha Hou | Innovation Award & Te Tohu mō Whai Ratonga | Māori Crown Award

    Lisa Fong

    Deputy Director-General, National Cyber Security Centre

    Te Tira Tiaki | Government Communications Security Bureau

    Lisa Fong leads the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), part of the Government Communications Security Bureau. Lisa and her team play a key role in protecting New Zealand’s wellbeing through trusted cyber security services. The NCSC were winners of Te Tohu a te Pirimia | Prime Minister’s Award in 2023. Prior to her role as DDG of NCSC, Lisa served as Acting Chief Executive of the GCSB and was Crown Counsel at Crown Law

    Manaia Paki King

    Waikato Tainui, Ngāti Hauā, Ngāti Korokī Kahukura

    Deputy Secretary, Organisational Support

    Te Puni Kōkiri

    Manaia has extensive public service experience in policy, service delivery and operations, corporate and community and partner engagement.

    Manaia’s previous role was as a Private Secretary in the office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Development and Employment. His substantive role was General Manager Māori, Partnerships and Programmes at the Ministry of Social Development. Prior to this, Manaia spent 10 years with the Ministry of Health in public health and prevention.


  • Te Tohu mō te Kaiārahi Rangatahi o te Tau | Young Leader of the Year

    Saunoa (Noa) Samasoni

    Senior Project Manager, PM Leads

    Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities

    Noa is a Young Leader grounded in her core Pacific values. As Senior Project Manager, Auckland Flood Recovery at Kāinga Ora, Noa stepped up and played a key role in supporting the rehousing of whānau and repair of affected homes. Noa began her Kāinga Ora career in the Customer Support Centre in 2016 and now oversees the servicing of more than 8,000 Auckland homes. Her leadership and outstanding spirit of service saw her awarded Te Tohu mō te Kaiārahi Rangatahi o te Tau | Young Leader of the Year Award in 2023.

    Fatumata Bah

    Senior Policy Analyst

    Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health

    Fatumata is a Young Leader who serves with tenacity and courage. In her current role within the Health System Stewardship team at the Ministry of Health, she plays a role in developing and implementing health strategies that improve health outcomes. In 2023, Fatumata was a finalist for Te Tohu mō te Kaiārahi Rangatahi o te Tau | Young Leader of the Year Award for her role as Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Advisor and Policy Analyst at Te Tari Mātāwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Communities. Through her work, Fatumata strived to achieve better outcomes for ethnic communities by working with public service agencies to create system change.

    Oliver Asprey

    Health and Safety Advisor

    Te Tāhū o te Ture | Ministry of Justice

    Oliver is a genuine and engaging young leader dedicated to making workplaces and buildings more accessible for everyone. He has worked in many roles at the Ministry of Justice over the past five years. He’s currently leading a significant long-term project to make all New Zealand courts ‘Hidden Disability’ certified, ensuring that all people can easily access court

    buildings, and therefore justice. In 2023, Oliver was a finalist for Te Tohu mo te Kaiārahi Rangatahi o te Tau | Young Leader of the Year.